“If music be the food of love, play on.” Shakespeare knew. Shakespeare knew everything. Whoever
he was. He still knew. Everything. And in our desperate search for meaning re “the petty pace, that creeps from day to day” perhaps it’s all just a “wild goose chase?!” See what I/he did there?
Incidentally, if you are interested, Shakespeare references music directly, about 2000 times in all his plays and sonnets.
Music is massive to me. Not that you asked but I am going to tell you anyway, my top 5 bands are as follows:
No 1- The Beatles
No 2 – Super Furry Animals
No 3 – Nirvana
No 4 – ABBA
No 5 – The Kinks
Reader, I know what you are thinking! I have deliberately put in a list to physically stretch out my blog. Shocking thoughts. And to quote Jane Austen, ‘Seriously! Give your head a wobble!’ By the way, let me know what your favourite bands are in the comments section below! (Can you tell I am watching too many YouTube videos at the moment!)
Anyway, back in the day I used to be in a band. We wanted to be somebody. Maybe, we never got to be somebody, but we tried.
Music has continued to be important to me. I didn’t write one word of Jump! without music. Not one word. I always remember this when pupils I am teaching ask if they can listen to music when they are asked to write…….
Anyway, it’s Christmas soon and I have been asked to play some music at my squash club’s Christmas do. Its time to get the band back together. Sort of. So, whilst thinking what has happened in the world of Jump! over the last few weeks I have been thinking about which party anthems I should be busking at the Christmas Party. Might go for a bit of an 80s vibe………
And talking of Christmas I have been absolutely delighted to see Jump! recommended on lots of brilliant websites that specialise, among other things, in suggesting super Christmas pressies for the kids. These suggestions are a little bit different , a little bit out of the box- just like Robbie Blair himself! I am very proud that Jump! has made it into this exclusive company! Please click on the links to check out their other fab present ideas.
In other news I have been equally thrilled to read some more lovely reviews that have winged their way to Jump! HQ across the social media cyber verse. There really are some lovely people (with good taste!) around. Check them out here!