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Drone shots taken November 2022 by ptaerialphotography
Cathkin Park
As you have seen in the beautiful and evocative illustrations by Carina Roberts throughout this book, Cathkin Park plays an important part in Robbie Blair’s story.
You could even say that Cathkin Park is the spiritual home of Jump!
For actor Simon Weir, the connection with Cathkin Park is just as strong, with his great grandfather playing at the ground for Third Lanark, one of the proud founding fathers of the Scottish game. Sadly, Third Lanark was liquidated, and their membership of the Scottish Football League removed in 1967.
Cathkin Park then fell into disrepair and most of the fabric was gradually removed – although the pitch and some of the terraces are still there, peeking out through the greenery. According to the volunteers who have been diligently working to restore the Park, it still smells and looks like a football ground!
The restoration work has been spearheaded by Simon, who in moments of rest from clearing weeds from the crumbling terraces, can imagine his great grandfather on the pitch, hear the crowds roar and smell the smoke from their pipes.
If you would like to follow Simon’s journey in bringing Cathkin Park back to life please follow on Twitter.